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file compression中文是什么意思

用"file compression"造句"file compression"怎么读"file compression" in a sentence


  • 文件紧缩


  • Sets the type of file compression used on the
  • File compression utility
  • Represents the file compression and decompression encoding format to be used to compress the data received in response to an
  • For users of digital cameras , file compression is an issue you must be aware of if you want to be able to view and share your images
  • If all you are doing is making small images for the web , these factors will not matter much , but if you plan on enlarging or printing , then the camera ' s resolution and file compression settings will be important
  • Zip format text and the text file compression package 2 can regulate the size and density version 3 support full - screen mode 4 , 5 support the automatic winder screen functions , support bookmark function 6 , 7 supports full - text search
    1支持palm doc的e - books文本格式和zip压缩包中的文本文档2可调节的字体大小和文本密度3支持全屏模式
  • Nature . illusion . studio , a very interesting image processing software processing can give you the holiday landscape photographs ( in fact play to imagine how canada on how to increase : ) coupled with rain , snow and other effects , and provide nine preferences program , unless they view their example will be able to get started with the provision , simple operation , which is to play your imagination , can be dealt with the image saved as screensavers option procedures for the avi file compression , and generated animation gif file , and it can add sound effects , static pictures to you add dynamic elements
    一款很有趣的图象处理加工软件,可给你的假日风景图片(其实发挥想象,想怎么加就怎么加: )加上下雨,下雪等效果,并提供九种预置的方案,只需看下其提供的范例就能上手,操作简单,发挥您天马行空的想象,即可将处理过的图象存为屏保,可选择程序,压缩为avi文件,和生成动画gif文件,并能为它加上声音效果,给你静止的图片添加动感的元素。
  • With these foundation , the paper puts forward several solution schemas of key technologies in mois , such as 3 - tiers system architecture optimization , binary file compression & encryption , tree relationship data process , active notice delivery mechanism and network environment adaptability , and makes some ex ploring research about intelligent software agent and text mining technology
  • Nature . illusion . studio , one very interesting image processing software processing can give you the holiday landscape photographs ( in fact play to imagine how canada on how to increase : ) coupled with rain , snow and other effects , and provide nine preset programs , unless they view their example will be able to provide to get started with , simple operation , which is to play your imagination , can be dealt with the image saved as screensavers option procedures for the avi file compression , and the documents generated animated gif , and it can add sound effects , static pictures to you add dynamic elements
    一款很有趣的图象处理加工软件,可给你的假日风景图片(其实发挥想象,想怎麽加就怎麽加: )加上下雨,下雪等效果,并提供九种预置的方案,只需看下其提供的范例就能上手,操作简单,发挥您天马行空的想象,即可将处理过的图象存为屏保,可选择程序,压缩为avi文件,和生成动画gif文件,并能为它加上声音效果,给你静止的图片添加动感的元素。
用"file compression"造句  
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